Vistabella al diari ‘The Times’

EscutFa uns dies llegint una notícia em vaig adonar de la publicació del arxiu del diari The Times, des de l’any 1785 fins al 1985, i pensareu, a mi que m’importe? pues resulte molt curiós com un poble tant  menut com Vistabella del Maestrat pot aparèixer en un article d’un diari anglès tant important. Aquestes son les imatges dels articles i la seua versió accessible:

  • 6 de Juny de 1938.

Article del diari The Times, del 10 de Juliol de 1875. On surt Vistabella del MaestratFROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT BARCELONA, JUNE 6 From its isolated position in the Upper Cinca Valley in the high Pyrenees the 43rd Republican Division reports having taken the offensive and advanced its line slightly. The retreating insurgents abandoned 40 wounded men, who were made prisoners. The division has managed to round up 4,500 head of live- stock. In the Sort sector the Republican ad- vance begun a fortnight ago has ceased. Strong insurgent attacks on Piedras de Aolo, one of the new strong points esta- blished during the advance, were repulsed. The heaviest fighting for some weeks on any front is now taking place further south, in the sector of Mora de Rubielos, east of Teruel, where the insurgerits are endeavouring to exploit the advantage gained recently by outflanking the Escandon Pass on the Teriel-Sagunto road, which was so long the strongest point of the Teruel line. In spite of strenuous resistance, the insurgents have made progress in the Maestrazgo region. The farthest point reached by the advanc- ing tide is Vistabella, about midway on a line between Mora de Rubielos and Albocacer. The area of holding attacks madc recently by Republican forces in Andalusia has been extended to Estremadura. where a surprise advance in the Puente Del Arzobispo sector in the Tagus Valley secured some ground and 47 prisoners. FIGHTING IN THE PYRENEES ISOLATED REPUBLICANS’ SUCCESS

  • 02 de Juliol de 1875.

Article del diari The Times, del 2 de Juliol de 1875. On surt Vistabella del Maestrat(pROa OUR OWN, CORBESPONDENT.) IADRID, JuLY L Tahe -zett of yesterday and of to-day confirms the belief that an impulse is to be given to war operations in the Northern, Centre, and Cata- lonian Armies. ‘”he bombardment of Estella has commenced from Mlonte Eaquinza. Many shells have reached the tfns (REUTIE’S TELEGRAMS.) SAN SEBASTIAN, JULY L Forts AIza, Ametzayana, and Aramendi dis- mounted the Carlist batteries at San Marcos yester- day. The Carlists kept up a feeble fire at intervals upon Pasages and Renteria. They are preparing batteries of guns of strong calibres at Santiago del Iendi to be brought to bear upon Hernani. Gene- ral Blanco is awaiting their attack. bIlRID, JuLY L Official advices received here from the seat of war state that the movements for the concentration of the Army of the Centre continue ix the direction of Cantavieja. General Blanco has driven back the Carlists from Yqueldo, Benteria, liernani, and Amezagarta, in the Provmice of Guipuscoa. General Loma is carrying out a movement in the direction of Barberana. General Quesada maintains his position on the line of Vitoria. A Mlinisterial ordinance has been published, dated the 1st ins.., decreeing that all travellers must pro- duce their passports on entering and leaving Spanish territory. It ia officially announced that the Carlists were routed yesterday at Vistabella, in the Province of Castellon, with the loss of many kIlled, wounded, and prisoners. The Carlist leader Villalain is among the killed. TEE CARLIST WAR. (BY E:AsTrs TELEGBAPHI, via FIMOUou.)

  • 10 de Juliol de 1875:

Article del diari The Times, del 7 de Juny de 1938. On surt Vistabella del Maestrat(F1tON OURt OWN COR.RESPONDENT.) MADRID, JeAY & The energy and combined movement of Generals Jovellar and MIartinez Campos have been rewarded by the surrender of Cantavieja to them, with the artillery park, vast military stores, 2,000 Carlist prisoners of war, including the Aragon Junta. Many civil functionaries, one Brigadief, 170 officers, 50 cadets, 1,600 soldiers also have been rescued, and 48 civil hostages whom the Carlists had carried off from Carinena to Cantavieja, and also three Government officers and 37 soldiers, captives. Gener-l Martinez Campos has returned to Cata- lonia. The Government casualties during the siege num- bered 80. Great activity is being apparently displayed to prevent the retreating Car]ists in the Centre pene- trating into Catalonia and Navarre. 1Nothing is reported from Estella, but Quesada telegraphs from MIiranda that a general advance has been made on the enemy’s positions between Cer- vila and Trevino, and a successful attAck on Por- tillo, near Vitoria, after a bloody resistance. General Blanco telegraphs from San Sebastian on Taesday that hostilities continued along all his line. The enemy’s fire was slow, his own brisk. The Spanish Consul at Perpignan telegrapbs that the Carlists attacked La Jnnquera, but were dis- persed by the garrison, General Arrando arriving in time to complete their defeat. The ironclad Vitoria cannonaded Bernico for two hours yesterday. The Governor of Huesca telegraphs that Brigadier Mloreno yesterday occupied Vrelillas. General Weyler is rapidly marching to join him. Within a short distance were the factions of Dorre- garay and Alvarez, and an encounter with the out- posts had commenced. Altogether there are signs in all directions of an activity unknown for months, and events of great importance are hoped for. (E2EUTn’S TELEGORMS.) WJADRID, JuLn 9. The Royal Army entered Vitoria on Wednesday. MIRANDA, JuvL 9. In the engagement in Trevino the Carlists lost 400 killed and 60 prisoners. They retreated to the uorthiof Alava. It is asserted that the Carlist General MIendiri has resigned his command. The London Carlist Committee has received the following despatch from Tolosa, dated July 8:- ” Officinl reports announco an important victory by Dor- regary over Joveiar between Vistabella and Villafranca on June 29. JoveDlar was driven back with great slaughter. TheAlfonsists Ieft740 killedandwvoundedon thefield. A ar- tinez Campos failed to come up in time for the battle. On the junction of Jovellar and Martinez Campos, Dorregaray withdrew agreat part of thegarrisonatCantavieja and moved into Upper Aragon. A few officers and men only remained at Cantavieja to make a show of resistance. Official advices state that nearly all the garrison at miravet escaped before the foit was surrendered to BMartinez Campos.” TEE CARLIST WAR. (By EAsTEB?Y TELEGBRAPH, 17vi FALMOITH.)

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